
Mandate Trade Union is the Union for retail, bar and administrative workers in Ireland.

With 40,000 members across every county in the Republic of Ireland, we campaign industrially and politically for improved living conditions for all our members.

Together we are stronger!

Mandate membership costs €4 per week or €17.33 per month.



  • If a payment is missed on its due date, the online payment system will automatically retry after 3 days, again after 5 days and finally after 7days. Your subscription is cancelled after the final failed attempt. On occasions this may appear as a double payment on your bank account if a previous payment occurs when your new payment is due.

  • in accordance with Mandate’s rulebook (rule 23.7) - "A new member or an ex-member re-joining must be a fully paid up member for a minimum period of eight (8) weeks to avail of the rights, privileges and services of the union. The National Executive Council may at its absolute discretion waive the above requirement on a written application by the appropriate Local to the General Secretary."

  • Please contact Mandate Trade Union at 01 8746321 or by email at if you wish to cancel your membership.

Mandate Head Office
O'Lehane House
9 Cavendish Row
Dublin 1

Tel: 01-8746321/2/3
Fax: 01-8729581